How to drive targeted traffic to your site is a goal of most online business owners. Finding the fastest and most effective way to drive this traffic to your website may take you time to make the decision. A pay per click advertising campaign can be one of these effective means. But your link might be similar to several others offering similar products that you have.
You might need a different keyword or keyword phrases on your ad title and content relevant to your site as well as the site you intend to land your ads. When a searcher clicks a particular link to find products they need, your compelling ad may attract their curiosity since your ads are placed on relevant sites they may be viewing.
Network Mapping Software
This is the content network at work, and it has a huge reach to readers. The content network can be cheaper than advertising through the search network.
Advertisements on the search network will have customers type keywords on the search engines and your ads will show on the results pages if these have relevant titles or keyword phrases as the one they are searching for. You need to have your ad showing high in the search results to give you the needed return.
With the content network, you may have more money coming in and have a good return on investment. This is because you also have those readers who may not be searching for your particular product, but see your ads on relevant sites, making them click and may eventually make the purchase.
Advertising on the content network needs distraction, which is a key element this advertising strategy has. The readers viewing a page content may get distracted from what they are viewing, by way of compelling ad prominently displayed on the page they are viewing.
Keyword density and relevancy of a landing page to match keywords of your ad title and ad content are factors important to a content network ad campaign. You will be given higher quality scores if your landing page is very relevant to your ads and keywords.
You have to track your conversion rates and identify low quality clicks to effectively lower cost per clicks. Focus your attention on tips given about your ads and find ways to refine and improve them.
Making a list of negative keywords is also a good way of mastering the content network and specifies that your ad need not be displayed when these keywords are searched. These negative keywords will only produce low quality clicks which can be added costs.
There are many effective methods of promoting your website and mastering this advertising campaign can effectively make yours a success. Patience and lots of experimentation and refinements have to be done though.
Mastering the Google AdWords Content Network Network Mapping Software
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